The P&G CSDW Timeline

The CSDW Program, with the help from more than 150 partners around the world, has delivered more than 22 billion liters of clean water in 100+ countries. This innovative technology was invented by a P&G laundry scientist and developed in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There have been many milestones in the evolution of this program, and this timeline captures some of the key moments.

P&G begins collaboration with the CDC to explore filtration technologies.


First test markets launched in 2001 and 2002 in Guatemala and the Philippines.


First peer-reviewed paper published.


CDC collaboration/multiple clinical studies published.

Established CSDW Program as not-for-profit in collaboration with NGOs, governments and other companies.

Southeast Asia tsunami becomes the first major CSDW emergency response.


Stockholm International Water Institute honors CSDW with the Industry Water Award.


Children’s Environmental Health Excellence Award, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for outstanding leadership in protecting children from environmental risk.


The Program surpasses 1 billion liters.

Top Ten “Breakthroughs to Change the World”, Popular Mechanics Magazine called the technology a “miracle powder” to help with the water crisis.

Joely Richardson visits Malawi as part of Ariel’s “Be Water Wise” initiative.


Summit on the summit – climbing Kilimanjaro to bring focus to the world’s water crisis.


Brands like Pampers, SKII and Pantene support CSDW efforts through in-store promotions.


CSDW sachets are rebranded from PUR to P&G Purifier of Water.


The CSDW Program celebrates its 5 billion liter milestone.

Production site of packets moves from Pakistan to Singapore.


The first customer ASDA campaign begins in the UK.

CSDW wins patent for humanity award.

CSDW begins a new campaign with Walmart.

Receives the “Patent for Humanity” award from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


Mel C visits Ghana to see firsthand how clean water transforms communities.

Canadian actor and director Jason Priestley joins as an ambassador to build awareness of the global drinking water crisis and helps raise donations to support 25 million days of clean water.


P&G Purifier of Water classified by the World Health Organization as providing “Comprehensive Protection” as defined by the International Scheme to Evaluate Household Water Treatment (HWT) Technologies.


The CSDW Program celebrates its 10 billion liter milestone.

The program has provided clean water to people in more than 85 countries.


P&G partners with National Geographic on “The Power of Clean Water” documentary.


The CSDW Program celebrates its 15 billion liter milestone.

CSDW becomes Walmart’s International Cause of the Year.

CSDW is featured in National Geographic’s “Activate” series.


P&G works with multiple partners in Latin America to bring clean water to communities impacted by Hurricanes Eta and Iota.


The CSDW Program celebrates its 20 billion liter milestone.


Dr. Phil Souter, P&G scientist and inventor of the P&G Purifier of Water packet, receives prestigious Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his services to Medical Research.


The CSDW Program has provided clean water to over 100 countries.